Dental Health Month Promotion
February is Dental Health Month!
During the months of January and February, receive 20% off the following dental services: Dental Cleaning Dental Radiographs Dental Sealant Please note: pre-op bloodwork and any go home meds are not included.
About our Dental Services:
Our experienced team of veterinary professionals is skilled at delivering preventative dental care procedures to keep teeth and gums clean and healthy and reduce plaque and tartar buildup. Dental X-Ray gives us a behind the scenes look at tooth health. We use modern and safe ultrasound technology to clean each tooth thoroughly, both above and below the gum line. Our dental technicians then polish the teeth and deliver a fluoride treatment to strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity.
How to reach us.

Our Location
1158 West 3rd Avenue Columbus, OH 43212 Click here for directions.

Our Hours
Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm Sat: 8am-4pm Sun: 1pm-6pm

Our Info
Call: 614-545-4260 Fax: 614-545-4265 Email:
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Have a quick questions? Please complete the form below and a member of our team will get back to you as quickly as possible. If this is an urgent situation, please call us directly at 614-545-4260.
Request an appointment!
Click the button below to request an appointment online in minutes!